Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Moving on with D

I figure I better add posts when I get a moment. I don't want to fall behind.

I don't know if any of you made it up to Stokes Nature Center for their Bug Night but our kids loved it. The boys couldn't get enough of the snakes. They made cute butterflies out of coffee filters. The kids painted them with water colors then pinched them in the middle and tied it with pipe cleaner which popped up to make the antennas. They also could make a Caterpillar out of paper. So you could do the butterfly for B day or the Caterpillar for C day :)
I was also going to mention that for B day you could ride the BUS. I'm going to attempt it with six kids so wish me luck he he.

We put D day down for June 8th. Dates can always be changed I just have it scheduled out through the Summer doing two to three letters a week.

What kid doesn't love learning about Dinosaurs. Anybody remember the song "Everybody walk the Dinosaur"?

"Open the door, get on the floor, everybody walk the Dinosaur."

We talked about making Dino eggs. You can use little toy dinos in the middle. To make dinosaur eggs, all you need is flour, dirt or used coffee grounds (yeah we have a lot of coffee here so we have that lying around ha ha), sand, salt and water. You can use sand from the sandbox or fancy colored craft sand. You'll want something like an old margarine tub to stir it all in. Put in about 2½ cups flour, 2½ cups of dirt or used coffee grounds, about a cup of sand, and 1 and ½ cups of salt. Mix all that up. Don't worry too much about the measurements, a little more sand, a little more dirt, it really won't matter. If you want to, you can add a tablespoon of powdered tempera paint for color. Add only as much water as you need to get it to all stick together. Shape the "dough" around the small toys. Put them in a sunny place and let them dry out and harden. Depending on the sunshine and the weather, it may take a few days. It's a good idea to turn them occasionally so that the bottoms will dry out too.
To break them open they can scrape away the sand and dirt with an old spoon or edge of a rock. If they are in a bigger hurry they can break the eggs apart with a hammer, or by dropping them. Do supervise the hammers and dropping. Sore toes and fingers would not be fun.

Recipe for eggs from

Snack: Dino fruit snacks

Please share your ideas for "D" day

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