Wednesday, June 8, 2011

G is for Grandparents

I have this day scheduled for the 16th of June.

With Fathers day coming write a letter to Grandpa. Or have them draw a picture for both Grandparents.

That doesn't take long so you can check out the other G activities at dltk.

A snack for G day could be granola bars, grapefruit, grapes, grated cheese, green peppers, graham crackers, gingersnaps, goldfish crackers, Gummi bears ...

I was going to mention that I saw in the Mayceys ad that they are having a free breakfast at 8:00 on Saturday and to celebrate flag day the kids can get a mini flag, balloon and stickers. Movies also will be shown in the little theater.

1 comment:

  1. Here's an idea of a project that could go with G(making a geodesic dome):

    You could also make silly putty or slime & call it "goo". Here is a site for silly putty:
    You can get a real laugh out of the lady on there, too.

    Here's how to make slime:


    My kids call this gooey and it's a nice break from playdoh (which they want to play all the time)! I copied the instructions from SLIME RECIPE if you want to see additional pictures.

    white glue (like Elmer's™)
    food coloring (unless you want uncolored white slime)

    There are two components to slime. There is a borax and water solution and a glue, water, and food coloring solution. Prepare them separately.

    * Mix 1 teaspoon borax in 1 cup of water. Stir until the borax is dissolved.
    * In a separate container, mix 1/2 cup (4 oz) white glue with 1/2 cup water. Add food coloring, if desired.

    After you have dissolved the borax and diluted the glue, you are ready to combine the two solutions. Stir one slime solution into the other. Your slime will begin to polymerize immediately.

    The slime will become hard to stir after you mix the borax and glue solutions. Try to mix it up as much as you can, then remove it from the bowl and finish mixing it by hand. It's okay if there is some colored water remaining in the bowl.

    The slime will start out as a highly flexible polymer. You can stretch it and watch it flow. As you work it more, the slime will become stiffer and more like putty. Then you can shape it and mold it, though it will lose its shape over time. Don't eat your slime and don't leave it on surfaces that could be stained by the food coloring.

    Store your slime in a sealed ziplock bag, preferably in the refrigerator. Insect pests will leave slime alone because borax is a natural pesticide, but you'll want to chill the slime to prevent mold growth if you live in an area with high mold count. The main danger to your slime is evaporation, so keep it sealed when you're not using it.

    or if you don't want to do either of those, you can just get cornstarch & add a little water until it gets to the consistency that you can roll it in a ball, but if you let it sit it will run through your fingers.

    You can use liquid water colors instead of food coloring. Here is one place online where you can get liquid water color:

    I've found that either rubbing alcohol and/or Fels Naptha soap(available at Smiths Marketplace) will get out just about all art-related things, just watch out for dry erase markers they are worse than permanent markers to get out of clothes
